Small 80m-10m Trap Dipole

Published on 4/10/2023By John Moore KQ4AMW

A 50ft Trap 80M-10M Dipole for Small Spaces

An antenna that has caught my eye recently is the trap dipole. Often touted as small and efficient antennas convenient for the small lot, I thought it would be interesting to give one a shot. Before I do that though, I want to take a few minutes to model one and see how it works in theory and in particular, answer these questions: 

What is the estimated effective radiated power at peak gain relative to an isotropic radiator and what is bandwidth of an 80m-10m trap dipole compared to its resonant mono-band counterparts if we shorten it to a measly 50 ft?

Lets find out!

First, a little about what a trap dipole is...

A trap dipole is, as the name implies, a balanced dipole fed at the center usually with coax. However, unlike a regular dipole antenna,  it can be made to resonate on ANY frequency independent of harmonics (though odd order harmonics can be utilized in certain cases such as in the case of the 5 band W8NX multiband trap antennas shown in the 23rd edition of the ARRL antenna book.)

It works similar in principal to a linked dipole. "Switches" are used to shorten or lengthen the antenna to predetermined lengths to bring it to resonance on specific bands except in the case of the trap dipole, the switches are automatic! This is accomplished through what is known as a tank circuit, otherwise known as a trap.

Series tank circuit

The series tank circuit passes only signal at the circuits resonant frequency.

Parallel tank circuit

The parallel tank circuit blocks only signal at the circuits resonant frequency.

There are two types of tank circuits, series and parallel. We will be using the parallel circuit on the right to create our traps. In the above illustration, you can plainly see that the parallel tank circuit is nothing more than an inductor and capacitor  in a parallel configuration in series with the source.  Since the parallel tank circuit blocks signals at it's resonant frequency, these can be placed strategically along the length of our antennas to act like "switches" that electrically disconnect the appropriate wire without the need for additional tuning or antenna adjustment.

Another neat party trick this antenna can do is depending on the LC ratio you use to bring the trap into resonance, you can shorten the antenna only a little, or a lot! Due to the fact that capacitive reactance has an inverse relationship to frequency, as the frequency is lowered out of resonance with tank circuit, the capacitor begins to look more like an open circuit and thus the trap becomes inductive acting like a loading coil shortening each successive section.

This comes at a cost though. Shortening segments reduces the efficiency somewhat, and reduces the bandwidth a lot. The good news is, like I mentioned earlier, any resonant parallel tank circuit will work. In other words, you can use a small inductor and a large capacitor to reduce loading and maintain bandwidth. Alternatively, you could omit the capacitor entirely and wind an inductor until it becomes self-resonant due to parasitic capacitance. This would result in a very short, very narrow banded antenna on the lower bands. 

If you've ever used an AM pocket radio, or experimented at all with electrically small magnetic loops, you've delt with this already. Any loop of any size receiving by a source oscillating below it's self resonant frequency may be brought into resonance with sufficient capacitance. The same is true here for trap resonance. You can choose the loop size/turns ratio and use a capacitor to "pull" the resonant frequency down.

Let the simulations begin!

The setup...

The software I will be using to model this antenna is called EZNEC Pro 2+ v7.0 . This software has been made free and publicly available so anyone who wishes to be run their own simulations may do so at no cost. However, be forewarned, this software is quite number crunchy and the learning curve is quite steep if you wish to model more than just a simple dipole or vertical.

So let's start with the design. The antenna as pictured has 3 sets of traps marked by the red squares and provides band coverage for 10m, 20m, 40m, and 80m. Note that just like a regular dipole, each leg mirrors the other so there are 6 traps in total.

A closeup view of the feed point trap locations on one leg of the dipole.

Let's look a little closer... The antenna is 40 ft in the air and is horizontally polarized. Starting from the feed point marked by the red circle, there are 2 wires extending in opposite directions.  These wires are for the 10m band and would be cut as normal.

Once the antenna is tuned to 10m a trap that is resonant just outside of the 10m band (more on this later) is added to each end. From there, another section of wire is added and trimmed to match the 20m band. Again , a trap is added to each end, this time resonant just outside on the 20m band. And so on and so forth... 

Below are the values I chose for the traps. In this case I chose 40 turns for 40m, 20 turns for 20m, and 10 turns for 10m on a 1.91" form which in this case is 1.5" PVC pipe. There's no real rhyme or reason for me picking these values other than they made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Additionally, the solenoid length is the wire diameter (18 AWG solid including insulation) times the number of turns and the wire needed to wind the inductor is the form circumference times the number of turns. Appropriate resistance was added in series with the lumped inductors to account for coil loss. A coax stub with an open end can be used to  add the additional capacitance to bring the coil into resonance. These values should create a trap that resonates just above their designed bands.

The reason for tuning the trap to resonate outside of the band is that just like a magnetic loop at resonance, the circulating  currents are VERY high. In this case of the 40m trap inductor could see as much as 20A  circulating current  and the capacitor would be exposed to roughly 6kV on only 100 watts. In other words, while the trap is most effective at blocking currents at it's resonant frequency, It burns most of that current off as heat. Thankfully, the resonant bandwidth of a tuned multi-turn loop is very small so by moving the resonant point outside of the band, we can still achieve sufficient impedance to block most of RF from passing while minimizing circulating currents. in the trap. This will yield the highest efficiency.

I elected to design the traps to resonate above the band due to the fact that a dip probe tends to couple capacitively with the trap. The mere act of measuring a coil changes its resonance ( Schrodenger's trap haha)  by pulling the frequency down up to several 100kHz depending on the probe's proximity to the coil. This means that  trap tuned for 14000khz with a probe  could actually resonate closer to 14300kHz which would be a bad thing if you wish to operate in the phone portion of 20m. By tuning the traps above the band, any rebound from capacitive coupling of the dip probe would only serve to move the resonant frequency further out of band.

The Results

After plugging these values in, here are the results. It took a little fine tuning to get the SWR right as EZNEC tends to overstate impedance mismatch when performing complex impedance calculations where significant reactance is present, but aside from everything went smoothly. First let's look at the band coverage and then we'll dive into each band a little deeper.

Above is a full scan of the 3-30 HF bands. As you can see all the band were able to be pulled in nicely except 80m which I suspect is an issue with the NEC engine and not the design.  We'll talk about that in a bit. for now lets do a deep dive on the bands starting with 10m.

10m Summary

The SWR scan of the highest fundamentally resonant frequency on the antenna shows band coverage exactly as one would expect from a resonant dipole. The bandwidth below 2:1 is 900 KHz and easily covers the technician class and part of the general class portions of the band.

A look at the current distribution on the antenna shows the traps in action creating an open circuit at RF despite being a DC short. The current distribution was measured at 100w. The current at the feed point was 1.18A. You'll see this climb as the current is distributed over a physically shorter and shorter radiator relative to wavelength.

10m on the 80m-10m trap dipole modeled at 40'

10m on a 1/2 wave dipole modeled at 40'

Comparing the far field plots both the trap and 1/2 wave dipole, it's clear there is virtually no difference in either gain or radiation. The difference in gain is only 0.06 dBi. and the peak gain angles are the same as well.

20m Summary

An SWR scan of the 20m band shows a good impedance match with a <2:1 bandwidth of 150Khz capable of covering either the entire general class voice portion, or digital portion of the band.

This current distribution visualization provides a great example of why middle and end loading is superior to base loading for radiation efficiency. As you can see, the current is distributed primarily around the center of the antenna and is allowed to radiate a significant portion of it's energy before encountering the loading coil. The feed point current is 1.48A at 100w.

20m on the 80m-10m trap dipole modeled at 40'

20m on the 1/2 wave dipole modeled at 40'

Again, the two plots comparing the trap and half wave dipole are nearly identical. The difference in gain between the two is only 0.51 dBi with the edge going to the half wave dipole.

40m Summary

Now things are getting tight! at 40 meters, our <2:1 bandwidth has been reduced to 50 kHz. That's enough to cover just over 1/3 of the voice band. Ouch!

Now you can see another one of the neat things about this setup. As you continue to go down in frequency, the reactance with the previous traps is diminished and the distributed inductance moves further away from the center the lower you go. The 10m trap now has very little affect on the currents in the antenna. and most of the loading is now done by the 20m trap. Currents at the feed point are 1.61A at 100w.

40m on the 80m-10m trap dipole modeled at 40'

40m on a half wave dipole modeled at 40'

Same story on 40m. Nearly identical radiation pattern out of the two. The difference in peak gain is only 0.03 dBi.

80m Summary

On 80m, the <2:1 bandwidth is only 15kHz! Hope you've got a tuner! I suspect the actual bandwitdth will be somewhat wider in real world tests due to transmision line loss as well as the fact that EZNEC tends to significantly overstate SWR on reactive loads (try modeling an OCFD in EZNEC and you'll see what I mean!) In this case, the antenna was reacting with earth capacitively and pulling the impedance down more than what I've seen in reality so I adjusted for the reactance and matched the impedance in software and this was the result.

Now the 10m trap is essentially invisible to the RF, the 20m trap has only a small effect and most of the loading is done by the 40m trap on the end. Neat! The current at the feed point is 2.43A at 100w. At 1500w legal limit, the current at the feed point is 9.43A! Better use some good wire.

80m on the 80m-10m trap dipole modeled at 40'

80m on a half wave dipole modeled at 40'

Finally, we see some real performance difference. As you can see in the far field plots above, the half wave dipole outperforms the trap dipole by 2.03 dBi. It's not a lot but it's enough to be noticeable in otherwise poor conditions.


Taking the time to model this antenna has revealed a few things things to me that were not apparent just by looking at the design on paper.

First is that the antenna is surprisingly efficient for its length and I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to put one of these up in the air if I was in place where I could not put up a 135" antenna. The bandwidth on 10m covers the digital and voice portions of the band and the 20m-40m bandwidth is sufficient for single mode operation in whatever portion of the band you wish to operate in. The narrow bandwidth on 80m is sufficient for checking into a nightly net or local ragchew group that operates on a specific frequency and the antenna manages to do so while being shorter than a 40m dipole. Not to mention, if the antenna is mounted in an inverted v configuration, depenting on antenna height, you may have easy access to the ends of the antenna allowing you to adjust the 80m band coverage and gain more band agility.

The second is that the way the inductance is distributed along the antenna, as you go lower in frequency, the inductive reactance moves further away from the feed point, thus retaining more efficiency.

I hope this experiment and analysis has been helpful in understanding the uses, and mode of operation, for this neat little antenna. I think I will model the W8NX 5 band trap antenna next to see and illustrate how it works in theory using only 1 set of traps. Until then, enjoy the airwaves and thanks for reading!